Flood Risk
The applicants have undertaken a full Flood Risk Assessment during the site selection process. The site lies entirely outside of any flood risk areas. There are areas north of the site that may be prone to flood during high precipitation events. As such, it has been ensured that all of proposed devlopment avoids this area.
An arboricultural survey has been conducted at the application site to provide the baseline data that has informed the selection process, design and assisted in prioritising trees for retention and protection. The proposed development would not require the removal of any trees or hedges during the construction or operational phases. The proposal involves a comprehensive new soft landscaping scheme that will introduce new areas of native hedgerows and trees.
Ecology & Biodiversity Enhancement
The applicants have also undertaken a Phase One habitat survey at the site to assess baseline biodiversity and ecology. While the site comprises low ecological value agricultural land, the site is fringed with native species hedge and trees. The proposed work will result in a small loss of existing grassland but all existing trees and hedgerows will remain untouched. As such the findings of the assessment, due to the light touch nature of the proposals, recommend the following:
– Wildflower meadows ensure there are flowering plants that are spread throughout the year with annual management (grass cutting) will be required.
– Native species rich hedgerows
– Bat and bird boxes on existing mature trees
– Brash piles/deadwood to act as wildlife refugia and to support invertebrates